Advent and Christmas

Our Advent and Christmas Program is in addition to normal services and events unless otherwise noted:


Sunday 1 December:

  • 3:00pm:  An Advent Service of Music, Carols and Readings at @All Saints’, Whiterashes

Thursday 5 December:  

  • 7:00pm:  Advent Study @ St Mary’s, Inverurie
    A time for reflecting on the world as we find it and challenges posed to us as Christians at this time.

This week:  The current situation in the Middle East.
Why it has come about, what we can discern from Scripture in relation to war in general and war in this area and what we as Christians can do to help peace and reconciliation. At various points in the Old Testament the boundaries of Israel are defined as are the actions to maintain these largely non-natural boundaries. This challenges our approach to scripture and causes us to reflect on the concept of the state.

Saturday 7 December:

  • 3:00pm:  Advent Carol Service @ St Anne’s, Kemnay

Thursday 12 December:  

  • 7:00pm:  Advent Study @ St Mary’s, Inverurie
    A time for reflecting on the world as we find it and challenges posed to us as Christians at this time.

This week: Assisted Dying.
At the present time there are Bills in both the Scottish and Westminster parliaments which would change the law so as to make assisted suicide legal.  Traditionally this has been unacceptable to churches but it is clear that attitudes in Society are changing What ought now to be the churches position? Do we still view the issue now in the same way as we did a decade ago. What does the move to allow this say about society?

Thursday 19 December:  

  • 7:00pm:  Advent Study @ St Mary’s, Inverurie
    A time for reflecting on the world as we find it and challenges posed to us as Christians at this time.

This week: Preparing for Christmas.
The description of the first Christmas in Scripture is very different to how it is now seen by our secular society. Would we celebrate Christmas differently  if we focused more on scripture and less on how society from the Victorian era onwards has envisaged it? Is it just such a wonderful event that in our current world we ought just to be glad to have something to celebrate? How, now do we regard the Incarnation?


Sunday 15 December – Advent 3:

(Please note there are no morning services at St Mary’s, Inverurie on this day)

  • 4:00pm: Christmas Carol Service at St Mary’s, Inverurie.

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve:

  • 3:00pm:  Christmas Carol Service at St Mary’s, Auchindoir (Rhynie)
  • 11:15pm:  Midnight Service at St Mary’s, Inverurie

Wednesday 25 December – Christmas Day:

  • 10:00am:  Christmas Morning Service at St Anne’s, Kemnay