St Anne’s Building

St Anne’s is a small, well maintained building that has been sensitively reordered over the last few years to enhance the worship and community gathering space, following fundraising by the congregation, including a new heating system installed about ten years ago.

The Organ

St Anne’s is blessed by a rare 1816 Elliot Chamber Organ, one of the oldest and best preserved in Scotland.  Most years we have organised recitals and choral evensongs with visiting professional and amateur organists and choirs.

We also make use of other instruments for church music to help lead us in our worship, as at present, we lack an organist.

The Llama’s

Following the removal of the pews, the outline of their cross section on the wall resembled that of a llama.  Two have been retained at the back of the church, and a local artist, with help from her children, painted a scene depicting them.  The Llamas bring us much joy and colour to our church.

The Garden

There is a well kept garden to the rear of the church, including some memorial benches.

We enjoy this space during the summer as we share refreshments following our morning service, and it is also available for members of our community to come to a quiet space and spend a while with God.