Our Services at St Anne’s

Details of our regular services are listed below.  Any changes to our service pattern can be found on our calendar.

Second Sunday of the Month at 10:00am
Holy Communion in Church:

Our Holy Communion service follows the 1982 liturgy and includes a sermon and hymns.  The service is followed by refreshments and fellowship.

We are a welcoming and friendly congregation, and we encourage full participation as appropriate, with members of the congregation reading scripture and leading us in intercessions (prayer).  A small group of volunteers look after our church, cleaning, flower arranging, and other tasks necessary to prepare the church for our worship and fellowship.

If you would like a Gluten Free wafer or Non-Alcoholic wine, please contact Caroline, our administrator at Inverurie, before the day of the service so we can arrange for a wafer and non-alcoholic wine to be brought from Inverurie for you.

Tuesday at 12 Noon
Church open for private prayer:

The church is open for a short time for individuals to use for private prayer.

As Jesus encouraged his followers to retreat to rest and to pray, so we too are encouraged to spend time privately with God.  The Church is open and available at this time to help you to “come away” and spend time with God.  The garden too, behind the church, is a peaceful oasis that can be used at any time to spend time with God.

There is a prayer board and box which may be used to request specific prayer for yourself or for others.

Seasonal Services:

We occasionally hold special seasonal services, such as at Christmas and Easter to mark special times within the church calendar.  Please check our calendar for more information on any of these services.