Annual General Meeting for St Mary’s Auchindoir
Saturday 16 November following 10:30am service
Please contact us for details of the venue and to receive any papers.
Welcome to St Mary’s Church, Auchindoir
Welcome to our church family at St Mary’s Episcopal Church. We are situated a few hundred yards to the East of the village of Rhynie and the small congregation are gathered from the wider surrounding area, and our present church has been on the site since 1859.
Today we are a small congregation of around a dozen meeting monthly on a Saturday morning. Some members are elderly, while others have adult children who attend when visiting their parents; most live within a 5 mile radius. We also are occasionally joined by friends who live further afield. For specific occasions, such as our candle-lit carol service on Christmas Eve, the church can be full to bursting.
Please note that we have no toilet facilities on site. Public facilities are available on the left at the bottom of Bogie Road as you enter the village from the church.
Regular Services:
Second Saturday of the Month
- 10:30am:
Said Holy Communion with hymns and sermon in church
For more information about our church life at St Mary’s and in the village of Rhynie, please click on the following links: